Wednesday 7 September 2011

:D hurrah for good luck and good friends

On the day that I'm offered a full time position at a new job, I also sold my first Mother Hen and Chicklette set!

I really hope the new owner likes them both /fingers crossed/. Could really use the feedback XD lol.

I also have to say a special thanks to The Bibliophile, who I've known for years (yet I am still the half-arsed one in the friendship!), for featuring my chickens in one of her posts (found here). I really wasn't expecting her to so it really made me happy to see that!

I'd really like to do some felt christmas robins in the next few weeks but everything is very up in the air at the moment. Quitting two part time jobs and moving on to training for this new one is going to be a bit of a shock to the system but it is desperately needed (both financially and for my sanity! I'm sure I will be able to fit my crafting in soon enough :) And the new revenue will atleast give me enough of a cash injection to cover my bills, some debts and potentially more crafting projects :D Awwww yeah.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me, as this good luck is so out of the ordinary, I still feel that it may fall through at any moment!