Saturday 17 March 2012

Gimme gimme gimme those tutorials!

I think a combination of job hunting, long commutes and little funds are making me really appreciate the appeal of a crafter's life. Here's to the dream of a future life with more time to create happiness! Tutorials GO!

1. Loving this Festive Wreath at the HipHop Sideproject. I'd love to do a colour pop version one day, maybe so spring pastels theme with a splash of neon :)

2. Omfg I want to make a blanket out of these Mollie Flowers from the Roman Sock! Nice simple crochet starter too (I have two hooks and have yet to crack them out of the cases :P )

3. Uhhhh reused Vintage Book Bag tutorial anyone? Yes please!

4. Sometimes simplicity is best. I think I need to invest in some quality glue and some sequins for a Scandinavian Inspired Star Garland. Just think of all the little cutesy shapes and colours could be used.

5.  Reminds me of my childhood :) Make a Rubber Stamp! I used to collect rubbers (before a tragic radiator accident :( ) and I had some plain ones that I'd cut little shapes into, quite fancy picking some up again!