Monday 30 April 2012

Plushie Madness

Whoever invented craft felt is a genius, or at the very least, a joy-giver.

Just cruising about the net I stumbled on a Free My Little Pony FIM Style Plushie Pattern. Now anyone that is close to me knows that I totally heart that animation, but I don't think I could ever do justice to the series by trying to replicate a character (despite the official merchandise not always being accurate, I just prefer to support them by buying not making!).

However, I have enjoyed adapting the pattern to make my own unicorns and deers, to try and sell. I already have this pair up for sale:
Meet Farfire and Tide, a unicorn couple standing about 10cms high, not including horns. I've also made a pink pegasus for my mother, and I have a stag and doe pair ready to be photographed and put up for sale :) I know I'm just riding the high of accomplishing something that is actually relatively small in the scheme of things but I still feel proud of my efforts...

Now that I'm more confident with felt, I'm definitely going to try and make some patterns from scratch! Should help with the insomnia :S

Thursday 26 April 2012

Bracelet Bonanza

Don't ask me how, but I recently realised I have an abundance of glass beads. I guess it was just a slow accumulation over time, but yesterday I actually put them to good use and made some bracelet sets.

I think I like my "Dragons Breath"...

...and "Candy Baby" sets the best.

But I have five up in my Etsy Shop now :) Which is about fifteen bracelets altogether- not bad for an afternoons work!

I've also just started a sewing machine course and I'm loving it so much. Had a sewing machine for two years and never used it (much to my mothers dismay) but now I've nearly completed my first canvas tote bag! I will have to put up pictures when it is done :)

I only have three classes left (six hours) so I want to learn how to put a zip in to something (pencil case? I do love my stationary!) and I also want to learn how to do some pattern cutting, since I've been winging it so far. That should put me in good stead!