Saturday 6 August 2011

The Beginning

It's where we all have to start!

Hi, my name is Lila, I'm 25 years old and I'm a secret crafter no longer.

I guess it's always when you feel the most pressure that you get in tune to how you really feel about yourself and what you want to do with your life. I think I was disappointed with university way before it ended but I was in denial. I live in a small community so finding work when you can't drive is extremely hard and full of frustration!

I've always painted or drawn or done creative writing over the years, but those are hard areas to profit from in hard times if you don't live it and breathe it day and night. Now I've realised that all I have is time really, and with whatever scraps I have lying around I might as well make the best of it.

My mother recently purchased some chickens, which are excellent fun, and she loved them so much I wanted to make a chicken themed gift for her as a thank you for all her help in putting me up after uni (she really is the best mum in the world!). That led to me sketching out a pattern design from scratch and slowly piecing together a Sleeping Mother Hen and Chicklette, the first items listed in my shop. Ofcourse I didn't really intend to start trying to sell them, but mum's chicken led to a friends chicken, which led to me beginning to think something of it.

Now they are listed and I'm slowly building up a profile (facebook, searching the community on Etsy, making this blog etc!), I am feeling the benefits of 'well atleast I'm doing something!' And I really want to make more things...

It is early days, and it will be alot of hard work, BUT I have to keep going. One day I will look back on these hard times and think that it was all worth it. xx

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